TV-Windows Interactive Television
Voice-over Text


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Voice-over Text of TV-Windows Video
(7 minutes, available on request)

Today, most broadcasters are exploiting three independent media: Television, Teletext and Internet.

Between these three activities there is usually very little relationship or synergy. Due to the growing usage of Internet, this will become a topic which needs more and more attention.

TV-Windows offers a simple, unique, solution for bridging the gap between Television and Internet.

TV-Windows creates viewer Communities. Momentary viewing rates for individual programs are no longer the only commercial target. Bridging Television and Internet means creating 24 hour services, increasing viewer loyalty and exploiting new revenue streams.

TV-Windows: Building bridges between Television Broadcast and Internet.

How does it work ?

Technically, TV-Windows starts with adding a Teletext page number to the existing Television company logo, this creates a permanent connection between the running Television program and Teletext.

The second step is that Teletext no longer covers the full screen, but only a subtitle area. Now the viewer can watch his Television program while simultaneously receiving value adding information via Teletext.

These subtitle areas are called TV-Windows. They consist of three text lines. The first two lines are a text scroll. These text scrolls contain more than 150 topics ranging from Program Guide, News, Weather and Travel to Sponsor information.

The third line is called Signpost. This line connects the viewers with TV-Windows related Internet addresses, Teletext pages and Sponsors. It means that the Signposts create links between the Television broadcast and Internet Web sites.

In addition to the TV-Windows format a complete traditional Teletext system remains available.

Some implementation examples:

TV to Guide

Every TV-program has its own unique TV-Windows number which gives 24 hour access to program related information. The TV guide can also be found on the Broadcaster's Internet Web site using the same numbering system.

In the near future, when the viewers can watch the TV programs whenever they want to watch them, today's TV-Windows background Information will generate Internet or Web-TV Communities.

For Broadcasters this means exploiting both the Television Channel as well as its related Internet Channel.

Content marketing will replace the current Broadcast license and technology driven approach. TV-Windows is the first step in this direction.

TV to Sponsor

Sponsors are linked to the signpost of the Television program. This way they can communicate with the audience for the full duration of the program. They also have their own TV-Window in order to give the viewers the possibility of watching sponsor messages simultaneously with the broadcast program. From here viewers have direct access to full size advertising pages and to the sponsor's Internet site.

TV-Windows greatly improves the exposure for Television program sponsors.

TV to Portal

TV-Windows creates thematic Viewer Communities. Instead of individual sponsoring it clusters advertisers in topics like Travel, Jobs, Cars, Real Estate or Dating Services. For the viewers this means one-stop shopping since offers can be compared. Topics do not necessarily have a direct relationship with the Television programs being broadcast, but in future the Portal topics will generate new thematic Television channels.

TV to Region

TV-Windows can be used to create regional Viewer Communities. It increases general viewer loyalty to the national Television channel by adding local interest content. In future TV-Windows can be upgraded to Regional Television Editions.

TV to World Wide Web

Every TV-Window or Teletext page has its own, classified, Internet address. Classification means an increase of relevance for the Internet user. This leads to Viewer Community Web site traffic, to which an unlimited number of advertisers can be linked.

TV to Interaction

TV-Windows also offers facilities for the development of a complete Interactive Television platform without the need for special decoders.

for example:

Game's questions can be placed in the text scroll and viewers can answer by selecting a fasttext button from their Television remote control. When the game is over, winners can be notified by a scroll text. Alternatively SMS or Audiotex can be used to commercialize these services.

TV-Windows introduces the more active future of Television to the viewers.

TV to Mobile

TV-Windows exports the compact and classified information to mobile users. Currently this information is textual, which is suitable for WAP applications. In future it will become possible to easily link related video clips. This way UMTS services can be created.

TV-Windows can build an information bridge to any future platform.

A small step in the right direction leads to the full future integration of today's media. TV-Windows is this first step.

ã 2003 J.C. van Nieuwkerk


TV-Windows contact details. Phone: + 36 20 9877082 / +31 6 53875187, Email: